Rose Street Cottages

Rose Street Cottages in Blue River Coming Soon!

The MCLT's first affordable housing neighborhood breaking ground in Blue River fall 2024!
6 Affordable Homes:  Stick-built & Firewise, 3 bedrooms/2 baths, Approx 1,300 sq ft 

These 6 homes will provide permanently affordable home ownership opportunities for fire survivors and other full-time McKenzie community members who may be struggling to find an affordable option.  Using the land trust model, we will sell the home and not the land to a qualified buyer, making it affordable.  For more information about how CLTs work visit our What is a CLT? tab

If you are interested in applying to purchase one of our community land trust homes, 

please join our contact list to stay informed of progress & opportunities. 

Our development partner is Springfield-based non-profit, DevNW. DevNW has a proven track record of developing high quality, affordable community land trust homes in Lane County and throughout Oregon. 

The Rose Street Cottage neighborhood will also serve as a model for building firewise* homes and firewise landscaping.  To learn more about firewise prepared homes visit

HUGE THANK YOU to our funding partners!  

If you are interested in how you can help invest in more affordable homes for local McKenzie community members, contact Brandi Crawford Ferguson, Interim Executive Director at

*Our Rose Street Cottage neighborhood is enrolled in the PURE WATER PARTNERS program

Rose Street Cottage home designs by BDA Architects