Frequently Asked Questions
What is the McKenzie Community Land Trust (MCLT)?
MCLT is a group of McKenzie River neighbors and stakeholders committed to providing access to land for the building of affordable housing, support economic development and anywhere else we can assist as we work together as a community to build a thriving and diverse community.
What is a community land trust (CLT)?
Community land trusts are nonprofit, community-based organizations designed to ensure community stewardship of land for the public benefit. Community land trusts can be used for many types of development including affordable housing, commercial, parks and other community benefit projects.
How does a CLT work?
The trust acquires land and maintains ownership of it permanently. With prospective homeowners, it enters into a long-term, renewable lease instead of a traditional sale. When the homeowner sells, the family earns only a portion of the increased property value. The remainder is kept by the trust, preserving the affordability for future low- to moderate-income families.
The length of the lease (most frequently, 99 years) and the percentage earned by the homeowner vary. Ultimately, by separating the ownership of land and housing, this innovative approach prevents market factors from causing prices to rise significantly, and hence guarantees that housing will remain affordable for future generations.
What is MCLT trying to accomplish?
MCLT is working to develop affordable housing and home ownership options in the McKenzie Valley for residents of all income levels as well as essential commercial and industrial spaces necessary for community economic success.
What can YOU do to help?
There are a number of ways you can help MCLT achieve its mission.
SHARE - As a new nonprofit stood up after the devastating Holiday Farm Fire, help us spread the word about the MCLT by telling a friend or share this website link with a friend who cares to see progress in recovery.
VOLUNTEER - Soon, we hope to have volunteer opportunities to help with this good work alongside other people who care. Please email us at the address listed below and note what you are interested in doing and if you have any skills you would like to offer. We will add you to our Contact List.
DONATE - You can make a donation online at the link below, write a check and mail it to the Blue River address below or make a donation of stock or real estate to help support bringing back the McKenzie community. The MCLT is a tax-exempt 501c3 organization, classified by the IRS. Your donation is tax deductible. If you have a question about giving, email us. We would love to hear from you!
Who is on the Board of the MCLT?
The MCLT currently has two staff members, supported by a volunteer board consisting of McKenzie neighbors and community stakeholders - see the Staff & Board tab. If you are interested in being a Board member please email us and share why with the skills/experience you have to offer. We are always looking to diversify and strengthen our Board with people offering different skill sets and experiences, helping to represent the McKenzie River community upstream and downstream.
Where is MCLT looking at building housing?
Our first neighborhood, the Rose Street Neighborhood is in downtown Blue River. The MCLT mission is to help support affordable housing in the entire McKenzie River Valley.
What kind of housing is MCLT hoping to build?
Much of this is dependent on the desires of the community as well as Lane County land use zoning and rules. As things currently stand, MCLT could build single family homes in accordance with the density requirements of the land to be developed. Much of the residential land in the valley is RR1 or RR2, meaning there can only be one home per 1 or 2 acres of land. In the coming months, the community will be invited to envision potential changes to the land use zoning for the Blue River area including downtown and the areas to the west of the school and the intersection of Highway 126 and Blue River Drive. This process coupled with the wastewater system assessment for the area might allow for more densely developed housing opportunities including multi-family units such as apartments or townhomes. MCLT’s vision is to help the community rebuild a thriving and resilient community.
Is MCLT only considering low income housing projects?
No, MCLT’s vision is to fill the housing gap, by creating low-moderate housing for people that want to live and work in the McKenzie Valley but find it difficult to secure housing. As the McKenzie community works together to rebuild, there is a shortage of housing options for professionals already working in the valley as well as restoring housing stock for our neighbors forced to relocate due to the fire, who want to return home.