Events & Tours

As we work together to rebuild the community after the Holiday Farm Fire, the McKenzie Community Land Trust is creating space to bring community members, stakeholders, decision-makers, funders and others interested, together - an opportunity to meet, walk, talk, collaborate and hear how you can help.  Join Us!

Blue River Rebuilding Walking Tours

We will continue to host group tours, guided by community members sharing their stories, see rebuilding projects moving forward, hear the vision for the future, and the challenges.  Join us!
If you are interested in joining, email to be added to the list.  

Past Events

Three Sisters Meadow Community Listening Sessions 

Site open house and community listening session were a success! 

See Three Sisters Meadow for a recap and to hear about next steps.

MCLT Tokatee Golf Tournament Fundraiser, Dinner & Auction

This event raised almost $10,000 for MCLT. Thank you to all involved! See here for pictures! 

Blue River Rebuilding Block Party

The Blue River Rebuilding Block Party was a hit! Over 100 community members had fun in the sun, celebrating all the rebuilding progress in Blue River and dreaming of what is to come. Almost 20 community partners showed up to table and talk about their role in rebuilding. 

Thank you to the Ford Family Foundation and BusinessOregon for helping to fund this event!